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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I take AP classes/exams even though my school doesn’t offer any?

My school doesn’t offer any Ap’s, can I still take them outside school? Would it count for anything?


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3 answers

5 years ago

To address the "Would it count for anything?" question... you can register to take any of the AP exams whether you've taken an AP class or prepared via self study. You'll get the most benefit doing this before your senior year, however, so you can report the AP exam scores as part of your application. Self studying for APs during your Senior year may be beneficial for class placement/credit, but won't be very useful for admission.

5 years ago

Hi! You are able to choose from a couple of options; your school may have virtual classes over the summer or during the year that would be a great online option. if you are an organized, self-motivated person you may even be able to self study for these AP exam's throughout the year, teaching the curriculum to yourself using college board materials. you will definitely be able to take AP exams-- if your school doesn't host any tests I believe you will just be sent to another school for exam day (not totally sure about the logistics, but you will be able to haha)

i hope this answered your question:)

5 years ago

My school does not offer AP classes either and I don’t think that you will be able to take them elsewhere where it will be the same. There are other ways that you can challenge yourself just like taking AP classes. For example, you can take dual enrollment classes that are just like college level classes so they are pretty difficult based on what is offered.

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