10 months ago
Admissions Advice

My school won't let me take the PSAT. How can I take it?

Hi! I'm a freshman in high school and (as you may know) I am nearing the end of my first semester. I wanted to take the PSAT to see what I need to study, but my school only lets Juniors take the PSAT. I was wondering what I could do to take the test or find a way to take the test. If anyone could help me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

@farnk565 months ago

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Accepted Answer
9 months ago

Depending on where you live and what school you attend, you could possibly take it at another school. I am homeschooled so I took it at my local high school. If you attend a private school, you may be allowed to take it at the local PUBLIC school, b/c under normal conditions, that would be your school b/c you are in their district. I just called the office and asked; they then registered me. Note: I did have to bring a fee on test day.

Another good idea: you could take practice/sample tests. Create an account with Collegeboard (BTW, they have great college/scholarship search resources + career quizzes and more!), then download the Bluebook App to your device. Currently, the app has 1 PSAT/NMSQT practice test and several SAT practice tests.

As far as studying, most freshman/sophmores do not study for the PSAT and so they get results that accuratly represent their current skills. However, I do suggest studying before the NMSQT. Study like you would for the SAT (same materials and even same course on Khan Academy). I took the SAT on a Saturday and the PSAT the Wednesday after, and it honestly felt like a breeze after the SAT.

Hope this helps you!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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