During my sophomore year, I received a C grade in Honors Algebra Semester 1. While in my freshman year, I received a B (because I had a long-term substitute) in Semester 2 of Algebra 1, but an A in 1st Semester. Additionally, I received an A grade in part 1 of Geometry Online, and a B grade in part 2. Despite struggling with dysgraphia, I managed to achieve a 3.92 unweighted four-year cumulative GPA, and a 4.23 Weighted. I also have very strong extracurriculars, high test scores, and good connections to schools. Despite my sub-par math grades, do I have a chance of getting into selective universities like NYU?
All colleges take into account extenuating circumstances like disabilities, especially if you have documentation of your diagnosis and such. All colleges also recalculate your GPA, which makes it hard to tell much from your weighted GPA since each high school has a different scale. I can't find a recent-enough common data set for NYU to tell you how you compare to other applicants, but 3.9+ UW is competitive for any school, even the Ivies.
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