I am trying to decide whether to do AP or Dual classes for Med school. My grades are mainly A's and B's.
AP pros: more widely accepted, significantly boosts coursework and weighted GPA if you have one, if you receive credit you save a lot of money cause college tuition is priced by credit and can get EXPENSIVE. I didn't have good aid and I'm out-of-state at a state school so I'm paying almost $500 per credit, which equates to $1400-1500 per 3-credit class. Compare that to $100 to take the exam, and some exams like Calc BC that cover multiple subjects, Calc 1 and 2, can equate to as many as 8 credits.
AP cons: more rigorous, whether you receive credit is entirely dependent on how you do on one exam.
Dual enrollment pros: less pressure since you just have to pass the class.
Dual enrollment cons: not as widely accepted, more expensive.
It depends, I'm sure you can take a combination.
Another thing often overlooked is CLEP testing. You can CLEP test out of subjects you are strong in and then save the trouble of taking it in college or through DE. I recommend looking into CLEP tests that are subjects you do well in OR a recent class you've taken. There is a fee per exam, but much cheaper than DE costs.
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