9 months ago
Admissions Advice

To the embarrassed or guilt-worn student

Feeling ashamed of low grades, a bad behavior record, or procrastination habits? Guilty of not doing your very best from the start? Don't beat yourself up. I see you, and made this post just to remind you to NEVER GIVE UP.

High schoolers have a LOT of pressure- whether from yourself, peers, or parents- and it can be easy to become discouraged. Here is my advice for getting out of your rut and hitting the ground running.

1) Do your best: You may be ashamed of your records and stats from the past but don't let them drag you down. Instead, rise to conquer those things. Push the past behind you and walk straight into your future. You may not be able to change what you did or did not, but you can take hold of your future and do yourself proud.

2) Be proud of your accomplishments: Don't wave them in peoples face, please :) but be sure to remember your wins instead of your losses. When facing something difficult, it is encouraging to look back at a time when you earned that grade, won that award, or reached your goal.

3) Don't blame it all on someone else: Now, I understand that a bad grade may have resulted from a bad teacher, but not all your woes are some other person's fault. Sometimes the circumstances are uncontrollable by everyone (eg, your "bad" teacher could be unknowingly sick with cancer), so do your best and honestly confess your mistakes.

4) Get help: When in a situation like having a bad teacher, dealing with depression, or simply struggling with grades, get help immediately. Find a tutor (could be a peer, parent, or friend) to help get those grades up or put more effort into your work if the root cause is procrastination or laziness. When dealing with a more serious problem like depression or bullying, get adult help right away. These things are not to be taken lightly!

5) Enjoy what each day brings: Instead of stressing over if you are involved in enough ECs or taking enough AP, ENJOY HIGH SCHOOL. Of course, ECs and APs are important (I am not downplaying them) but if you are too stressed it can lead to mental health issues and relational strain. Remember, your family is also affected by your life and schedule; be thoughtful, and know that as you are growing up and doing more, your parents are getting older, too, and may need to do less. Balance is key to everyone's-including own- happiness and well being.

Hope this helps someone, and if anyone has more advice or just wants to discuss some of these points, comment below!

Have a great day, and remember- you are special!

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8 months ago

Just remember that if you can leave something knowing that you did your absolute best, you did as well as you could, and nobody could expect more.

🎤8 months ago

So true! Thank you for adding your thoughts :)


9 months ago

Hi, I see that you comment a lot on people's post. I thought at first that you were a student just trying to help others...but do you work for collegevine?

🎤9 months ago

Actually, I am just a student :) I have learned much from experience partly because I am homeschooled (no guidance counselor-except great parents, of course, so do much college planning on your own), have 2 older sisters (helped both with their college essays & book editing), attended TONS of helpful webinars (NSHSS), and worked as a Personal Marketing Assistant for the CEO of a math company for 3 months! All helped prepare and inform me- now I use that to help peers :) This is such an awesome way to volunteer my knowledge to fellow high school students!!

🎤9 months ago

PS, being homeschooled also makes my schedule flexible, so I am able to do a few minutes here and there!

9 months ago[edited]

Bruh you seem so cool. And I wasn't sure because I didn't think a student would write a post like this, but you know what, that's awesome that you wanna help people out. I think your job sounds awesome btw

9 months ago

nshss isnt a real org

🎤9 months ago

The National Society of High School Scholars is an organization that offers scholarships, free webinars, and other to high school students. A very big organization, but I have found their information very helpful! You have to be invited to join OR if you know you meet their entry criteria, you can essentially apply.

🎤9 months ago

Thanks :) Glad to help!


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