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a year ago
Admissions Advice

How to get into ivy leagues and colleges such as UCSD

I’m currently a freshman in highschool. My hope is to learn at UCSD to become a pharmacist, however I have no idea what to do to achieve this. I am taking the hardest classes possible with all A’s, except for one B. I am taking the only AP class available aswell. I am in marching band and I lift after school as my extra curricular. What else do I do?

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2 answers

a year ago

Community involvement in community service are also taken into account. The sooner you start and the more hours you put in the better it will look. Food banks and animal shelter are a good option, but it's much better to do something more unique and tailored to your personal passions. Not only will this help them get a feel for you as a person but if you actually care about the work you're doing it will way more fun for you. I also would recomend you look into what clubs are offered at your school and join some. If you don't find one that sparks your interest don't let that get you down starting a club looks even better then just being a member of one! Also don't be afraid to take some time to do normal things with your friends too. I understand you deeply care about you academic future (and that's a great thing!) but you also only get to be a teen once, so make sure to experience that's too.

a year ago

normally people who do bio-related majors will pursue these activities: lab research at a nearby university, chemistry /biology Olympiads (USABO)(but i think chemistry is much more important here), internships, volunteering/community service.

here is a link to refer to :,%2C%20or%20student%20council%2Funion.

You can look for possible internships at local hospitals, vets, or of course a pharmacy.

since you have about 3 years to explore, i'd say do hobbies that interests you, and if you will somehow tie pharmacy to your other interests. eg. if you like teaching others/sharing knowledge, you can host events to share pharmacy-related knowledge/info to your community. or start a chemistry club in school.

good luck

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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