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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Honors college and better dorms?

I've heard that the dorms for honors college are generally newer and have features like single rooms (so no roomates) and/or private bathrooms.

Is that true?

I'm not worried about the being "isolated" part or being with a bunch of "nerds". To me, the more space and privacy, the better. I would be living off campus otherwise.

@Jesswade3 months ago [edited]

Yes, that’s true! The dorms for the honors college typically offer newer facilities, including options for single rooms and private bathrooms. This setup is designed to provide more space and privacy for students who prefer a quieter living environment. If you're looking for more comfort and independence, the honors dorms or an affordable apartments could be great fits for you!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

It depends on the school. In general Being in the honors dep of a college is seen as a positive as it has higher requirements and standards, like maining a 3.0 GPA, which can come with some perks depending on the school.

Take Oregon State University, acceptance into the honors college allows you to live in the honors dorms, which have stricter quiet hours and rules on things that could be distracting if you're studying in your dorm.

As for specifics on style of dorms you are just gonna have to find schools you like and eliminate them as you go if the dorms/living options are very important to you. A quick google search should be able to bring up some that are known for their dorms based on what you'd like to major in as a baseline to where to start.

a year ago

Hi! I think it really just depends on what your school offers. Some schools might offer apartment-style living w/o honors to give you that privacy. I think generally many schools with priority housing do give better dorms to certain things, for example RAs, however many schools have singles for any first years.

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