9 months ago
Admissions Advice

International application and scholarships

I am concerned about my college list. My name is Mariana and I am a Brazilian senior

My unw. GPA is 3.75 and my SAT is 1460 (710 for reading and 750 for math). I listed 5 honors that are national and international. I registered 9 extracurriculars, some standartized, some strong and some very strong. I would like to be at a sciences field and I am interested in biochemistry because I dream to be a researcher geneticist. I'll not be able to attend college without a scholarship

Here it goes... Brown University, Carleton College, Connecticut College, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Davidson College, Drexel University, Harvard University, Haverford College, Johns Hopkins University, Northeastern University, Stanford University, Stetson University, SUNY University at Buffalo, Tufts University, University of Miami and University of Richmond

Any advice?

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1 answer

9 months ago

I am also trying to pay for school with merit scholarships. In my case, I have an advantage b/c I am applying to a school (Delaware Valley University) whose average scores and GPAs are much lower than my own. This means I am offered more money b/c they want my stats to raise their own. I am aware that I will not be academically challenged by their courses, but I am going for their hands-on approach, not academic rigor. This school is known for their practical learning approach and so it fits me perfectly! I could attend a bigger name school but I would not receive as much if not any scholarships and it would not be the best fit.

ALWAYS consider what will best prepare you for your career. Find ways to learn more and compare each school's program to see what may be your best fit. Sometimes they have info on their website; other times you have to email someone in the department to hear more. Compare and find one that excites you! I am personally so pumped for my college experience at DelVal and can't wait to start learning there.

Hope my thoughts help and if you need more help, reply!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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