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a year ago
Admissions Advice

What should i enter in the coursework field in Collagevine's personal profile?

I'm a grade 12 student at an accredited high-school in Ethiopia. In Ethiopian most high schools, there aren't distinct honors or AP classes like in some other educational systems. Instead, they focus on core subjects like math, science(biology, chemistry and physics), language (Amharic and English), social studies, and additional subjects like geography, history, ICT and HPE. Due to the aforementioned reasons, I couldn't enter anything onto the field of Collagevine's personal profile which asks for coursework. In addition, entering the number of classes I have taken in my school in the "Others" field makes my profile a lot worse than it actually is. What should I do to input the number classes I have taken on my Collagevine's personal profile correctly?

P.S. - I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors i may potentially have.

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