5 months ago
Admissions Advice

How can I improve my stats/ecs as a junior?

I'm looking to apply in either business or computer science (the former would make the most sense) to state schools, one or two art schools, and a few Ivies next year. Here's what I have so far---let me know what I can improve on :) My dream would be the Brown-RISD dual program, but we'll see what happens.

Background: middle-class, two working parents with degrees, asian


GPA: 4.0 (unweighted) & 4.3-4.4 (weighted)

Rank: 1/800 at a large, average to below-average public school

APs: currently taken/taking 9, plan on taking 13ish total - all 5s so far

SAT: 740 Math / 780 English (I plan on retaking soon)


-> Artist - winner of prestigious local/state/national art competitions in art and photo (like scholastic)

- I'll also be submitting a portfolio of my art and photography to all schools who accept it---I'm pretty confident in my artistic ability & creativity :)

-> Dancer - winner in dozens of local, national, & international dance competitions for contemporary and traditional folk ensemble dances (YAGP, WBC, World Dance Competition, etc.)

- I just left competition dance, but I'm sure that these awards can still be listed?

-> Small Business Owner - own a half-nonprofit small sticker business; made 1,500ish sales and donated $1,000ish to various organizations

- I've had this business since 7th grade and I manage all aspects (designing, printing, social media, etc.)

-> National Art Honor Society President - biggest accomplishment from this is that club membership grew by ~200% + we expanded activities significantly

-> DECA Competitor - business competitor expected to attend state and hopefully national-level competitions soon

-> Active member of English Honor Society, Beta Club (volunteering), Math Honor Society, Period (a womens' advocacy club); will be seeking leadership in a few of these

-> I'll also be applying for internships (most likely in nonprofit, business, or marketing) and seeking more volunteer work

Let me know what I can address before senior year hits hard! Even though it's a little late haha

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2 answers

5 months ago

I think a big thing would be to get leadership in some of the clubs. However, don't try to get leadership in all of them! Pick the ones you think are important and make it clear with your leadership what your values are. Perhaps also try to expand your NAHS community outreach by organizing a drive or a public event.

I don't recommend retaking your SAT if you are applying to any schools that require you to submit all your scores. You already have a 1520 and once you break that range there really is little difference and the chances of your score consistently improving is probably hit or miss.

5 months ago

Your resume is great. First off your GPA is high which is great and your 1st in your school rankings which is a great start. You have taken a large amount of AP's which is good. Your EC are great they do show your passion and commitment. I think you just have to make sure that you have a good essay and I think you could try adding some leadership and accomplishment to your resume which you can probably get through DECA.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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