5 months ago
Admissions Advice

Chance of acceptance to top schools?

As a current HS freshman, I am planning to graduate at the end of my sophomore year. By taking eight online HS classes in the summer, and three extra online HS classes, I would graduate two years early. Stats are below. If I graduate early, I am afraid that I may not be able to get into a variety of schools due to a lower GPA and ACT. I want to have options, though. Is there anything I could do to increase my GPA and ACT score?

-3.75 UW GPA @1st HS semester

-Hoping to get a 26 ACT score or higher by the fall of 2024

-Drama Club, Spanish Club, FBLA, Fall musicals, Competitive Drama, Mixed Chorus

-Made my own free tutoring organization and I tutor

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@facilityburton5 months ago

Maybe consider graduating as a junior instead to give yourself more time to get a higher ACT/SAT score and GPA? That's what I would do

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
5 months ago

I think you are just not cut out for college yet. A poor ACT depending on your score breakdown, shows that you can still benefit with the extra couple of years of school.

Just to present an example, engineering requires in-depth calculus, finance/econ/business will really utilize mathematical analysis. If you see yourself struggling in high school, it would be better to slow down with your plans so you are prepared with college.

Stuff like GPA and Test scores increase overtime (at least in my experience). The fact that you have recognized your weaknesses, you can use the next four years boosting those numbers with effort.

As for top colleges, you really need to work on ECs; internships, club, hobbies, organizations and even research are a good place to start. I know you have some but tuning them to higher recognition would add so much life to your application.

By the way, if you are looking at ivies, stellar ecs rarely compensate for poor grades, so don't jump into the application process until you have tried your best to maximise your numbers and ecs.

Best of luck:)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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