9 months ago
Admissions Advice

What internships or extracurriculars should I do?

I’m currently a sophomore in high school and I have very solid academics (4.0 unweighted, 4.9 weighted) and I am currently looking for research opportunities, internships, and other extracurriculars in the computer science field for the summer, does anyone have any suggestions? (I would prefer things more in the AI side but I would appreciate anything I could potentially apply for before summer break) Additionally it would be extremely helpful if these extracurriculars would benefit me in college applications.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
9 months ago

I don't know of many CS/AI programs since that's not my field of interest; however, I can give some general advice. You said you're looking for research opportunities and internships, a great way to get those is to just cold email professors at universities in your area. Email them saying that you're interested in interning/being a research assistant. Look into what they research and mention some of it in your email. If you don't have one already, make a resume and attach it to your email. This is not an easy process; keep in mind that most professors won't ever see your email and you might only get one response from every 50-100 professors you contact. But don't get discouraged, eventually someone is bound to say yes. Good Luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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