I need an opinion from an outside perspective on my extracurriculars. With my situation I do my best to do what I can in my spare time. I’m not trying to push for an Ivy but maybe somewhere like usc,ucla, or uva. (I plan on majoring in neuroscience or some science field)Im open to any input.
part time job
hairstyling “business”
medical related internship
instagram page- mainly about healthcare topics with a mix of sharing people’s stories on dealing with any form of illness
social media manager
multicultural club (member)
girls who code summer program
animal shelter volunteer
(I’m also in a program that makes me a certified medical assistant but I don’t know if that would be a ec since it’s tied in with school)
As someone who had very similar extracurriculars, the schools you mentioned would be reaches/hard targets. It's not that your extracurriculars "aren't good enough," it's just that those schools are very hard to get into and it depends on the rest of your application. You might get into them, you might not, but it's still worth putting an application in. Do some research on target and safety schools that you might enjoy, but no need to completely give up on them.
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