4 months ago
Admissions Advice

College application essay

I am a junior, who is graduating now 2024 which I just recently found out about. I have been finding myself rushing to meet deadlines because I thought I still had until next year. Yet I have no clue what to write about and when I do research, I'm still not sure and the internet says to not do basic topics. Honestly I believe I have a boring life. How do I make sure my essays not basic? Another problem is I am not very good at writing. As my sister critiques the two sentences that I had made for a draft and says she doesn't get it, that it seemed like a kid wrote it and is not college level. How do I not make it seem like that?

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@FrancisE4 months ago

Even something as simple as a daily experience can become an essay. For example, something you've struggled with. Be sure to use advanced grammar checkers to help your writing as well.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Nayedajunior254 months ago

thank you :)

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1 answer

4 months ago

Hello there! I know the essay writing process can be difficult.

Though the internet says that basic topics should be avoided, they can still actually be done. The trick is to make it creative and unique, something that clearly shows your personality, so it’s not “basic.”

Additionally, think about simple or meaningful experiences to write about. It can be a good thing or a bad thing. Or a passion you have. Your essay can be about anything. It just has to show who you are and why you are a good candidate for a university. What makes you unique.

Another tip is to make that first sentence a hook to intrigue your reader. I would also consult an English teacher for advice. Use sophisticated grammar, and check over frequently for mistakes of any kind.

Best of luck! You got this!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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