6 months ago
Admissions Advice

College application essay

I am a junior, who is graduating now 2024 which I just recently found out about. I have been finding myself rushing to meet deadlines because I thought I still had until next year. Yet I have no clue what to write about and when I do research, I'm still not sure and the internet says to not do basic topics. Honestly I believe I have a boring life. How do I make sure my essays not basic? Another problem is I am not very good at writing. As my sister critiques the two sentences that I had made for a draft and says she doesn't get it, that it seemed like a kid wrote it and is not college level. How do I not make it seem like that?

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
6 months ago

I would say take a basic topic and spin it into something interesting or something that you identify with. For example I talked about how names(basic idea) don't define me even though thats the point of them. I swear you do not have to have an interesting life to make a good essay. Also the thing about your sister, its better to sound like a kid where your thoughts can be understood than someone who is pretentious and uses unnecessary long words

6 months ago

What helped me was playing some music, setting a one-hour timer, and speed mind-vomiting several different essays. They were completely horrible and made zero sense but they helped me to come up with ideas, and I used one of those for my final essay. Your topic also doesn't have to be exciting. It could be about ramen packets, a car crash, finding moldy food, a band you like, getting sick, or a horrible movie you've watched. You can really start with any topic and use it to show admissions officers who you are, your interests, and how you'll contribute to the community. And feel free to use college vine's peer essay review. Good luck, you've got this!

6 months ago

Try rewording it, or if you can you can always delete the sentences if they're unnecessary.

6 months ago

I wrote a post about college essays you may find very helpful. I have edited many essays, so reading it may give you some ideas: collegevine.com/c/junior/49537/make-your-essay-stand-out

If you have any questions, reply and lmk!

6 months ago

if you are struggling witjh a topic just think about what make your life cool or something you enjoy doing, and any experiences that you think were unique. As for the second part of this, every first draft won't be good. I would just write a first draft, get feedback and continue to workshop it.

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