8 months ago
Admissions Advice

where else could I start??

I'm a junior with strong academics (1550 sat [770m/780rw] , straight a's, 4.0uw/4.67w gpa, etc) but I think my extracurriculars are lacking. I switched schools halfway through sophomore year, and prior to that I had been in foster care and had almost no opportunities (or quite honestly, the motivation) to join clubs or really do much of anything worthwhile. so far, I was co-president of my old school's poetry club but the population of the club at my new school just wasn't the kind of group I was looking for, I play guitar, am a mediocre member of the school and city swim teams, and applied for VP of my school's new pre-med club, which I'm waiting to hear back about. I'm applying to volunteer at my local hospital but its going to be a bit for the medical clearance to go through.

overall they just seem like really average ec's. I want to go into medicine so that's where I've been trying to focus, but I was wondering if there was anything anyone would suggest to vamp it up a little bit? thanks!!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
8 months ago

Based on your background, if you explain this on your application (common app/additional info) it will make up for having less strong extracurriculars.

I would check to see if you can start a club at your new school, like maybe Science/Math Olympiad will help you for pre-med. Once you hear back from the pre-med club and the hospital, that should be a good boost for your app.

If you have time, you could also try starting a nonprofit or club that collects/makes care packages to donate to people in hospitals.

I would also try to keep playing guitar a little; as a senior I've noticed many people who get into top schools often have done things in the arts. Some organizations allow you to perform at hospitals too. But your main focus should be in science stuff.

Based on what you've said, it sounds like you're on a good track to standing out in applications already. Make sure to take advanced science classes at your school if it offers them and keep up the good work!

8 months ago

Gonna be honest get your life organized get a schedule figure out the things you need and the things that can improve your wellness since this alone will improve your grades, and lifestyle and will help both your grades and any medical extracurriculars you may want to try as for activities I suggest.

medical writing

medical assistant

forage offers free courses that might help

volunteer not only at hospitals but also things like nursing homes (not joking you could play guitar for them)

or smth like that

Im sorry if I was a pain in the ass and I hope this helped. xoxo gossip girl

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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