4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Choosing the Perfect Major-Please Comment!!

Hi everyone! Thought I would take a survey to see how many of you know what major you want and how many are still deciding. No shame if you don't know- I agonized over it all through middle school and into high school, until I realized what I wanted to do halfway through my sophomore year.

If you know exactly what major, comment below and share!

If you don't know how to choose, comment below and explain why and what your choices are.

If you would choose the major based on the school (eg, if I went to Penn state, it would be Plant Science; if I went to Delaware Valley University, it would be Ornamental Horticulture), comment and share your options!

And if you have no clue what to do majorwise, comment as well!

My advice on choosing a major:

Where/When are you happiest? I had 2 happy places: gardens and groups of kids. What can you picture yourself doing the rest of your life- AND still happy? Well, I could picture myself working with flowers (floral design) and plants (horticulture) for life. But I could also picture myself happy working with kids. As I thought about some of my life goals- like having my own business, mom to many kids, and educating my kids at home- I realized that though I could go to college for education and become a teacher, it didn't make sense to teach other kids just to have someone else teach my own. Also, I once heard that if you are considering a career, try it for 100 hours. If it feels like 10 hours and you enjoyed yourself, then try another 100. If you can barely get through, then it's probably not the thing.

My decision? I tried 100 hours of working with plants...which turned into 200...then 300...and soon I couldn't picture myself doing anything else.

Find that thing you are passionate about (niche interest, hobby, school subject...), no matter how insignificant it may seem. My older sister likes writing and is moving towards a career as an author. Another sister noticed she had gifts in listening and encouragement and is headed towards a counseling career. The possibility that the thing you really enjoy could become your career is great! So pay attention to that space, place, or activity and let yourself explore :)

This is an open discussion for everyone so chime in and tell us your stance on choosing a college major! Hoping I can help some students choose a major or direction to head as we all face this at some point or another and it's not an easy decision for everyone.

Know exactly what major you want
Deciding between a few majors
Depends on the school you attend
Have no idea what major to choose
Poll closed35 votes
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4 months ago

I'm currently in college! Earlier in high school I wanted to study entrepreneurship, then I became more interested in broader business management/marketing. I also looked into music programs since I play the piano but realized there's not much of a point since I don't want to incorporate it into my career. In August or September of last year, right before I started applying I switched to economics. I'm currently trying to double major in math and my professional focus is on finance/quant! It's been a matter of what interests me and what I think the job market for my sect will be like once I graduate.

🎤4 months ago

That's great! Wow, double major...wish you the best! Thanks for sharing-glad to hear from a current college student. I think a lot of students don't realize that it's ok if deciding a major takes a while AND it's ok to have a change of plans, too!


4 months ago

I am going to go with business as my major, if there are any tips, please tell me ❤️


4 months ago

I'm still trying to decide between Bio and Molecular Bio- not too big of a decision but stuck nonetheless

🎤4 months ago

Yes, deciding between similar majors can be difficult...I had that, too. I recommend doing a lot of research on each major (and what job options there are after graduation) and compare. Maybe you will find one more interesting or if there are salary differences and that's important to you. It's up to you :)


4 months ago

It took my a while, but I'm going to major in modern physics (hopefully at Harvard) :)


4 months ago

im still deciding whether i should major in biology, or animal sciences. animal sciences would be more fitting to my career, as i want to become a vet, but only biology is offered at my top school lol

🎤4 months ago

Yeah, animal sciences make more sense, but biology gives you more job options.. I have heard of people unable to get jobs after animal science programs sometimes. I highly recommend searching for some schools with animal science programs- I have heard great things about Delaware Valley University's program. They really work hard to make sure you have job opportunities before graduating. I am going there for Ornamental Horticulture hopefully :)

4 months ago

thank you so much! i do have a few schools in mind, and i'll definitely look into delaware valley.


4 months ago

I'm about halfway through my sophomore year, and I honestly have no idea what I want to do. I've narrowed it down to something in the humanities/social sciences because I'm not a huge STEM person, and I'm considering pursuing some sort of law-related major, but I could see myself being happy doing other things too. Honestly, all I really want is a reliable career, which a lot of my other passions couldn't get me. The biggest thing I'm debating right now is a whether or not I should do a specific pre-law program or just major in something and then go to law school.

🎤4 months ago

Hmm... Do you know anyone in law school or headed to law school you could get some advice from? I don't know anything about law careers to be honest :) What do you find interesting? Is there something besides law you would like to pursue?

4 months ago

I know someone who recently graduated from law school who recommends not doing pre-law, but I don’t have anyone else to get advice from and I want multiple perspectives. I think something English-related would be great, but the career prospects aren’t as good.

🎤4 months ago

I think that an English-related major may actually be very beneficial. You will practice writing and working with clarity which is helpful in law. I wouldn't completely "no" an English-related major, if it seems appealing to you.

🎤4 months ago

If that makes any sense :)

4 months ago

It does make sense, thank you so much for your input!

🎤4 months ago

No problem :)

🎤3 months ago

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