Does anyone have any tips about how to write essays for BOA student leaders? Also if possible, can anyone review my essays?
omg i luv ur username and also im applying for BOA too! finished everything and im just waiting for my counselor to submit her rec letter. do u think your gonna do more than one rec letter? like the additional optional one? also i'd be down to read yours if you'd like
I wrote a post of essay writing tips you may find helpful:
I would love to review your essay for you...but it's a little tricky since one of the community guidelines asks students not to request essay reviews in the community. I have seen a few people post an essay asking for review but there's always the chance that a well-meaning student may report you to CV for technically violating a guideline. But if you really need it, I'm willing to help. When you do, I recommend adding a doc to your post so I can comment on it (I won't make any changes, but keep an extra copy for security purposes). When you do post it, you can tag my name in your post: @Jael_S238 but you may want to try the peer essay review route first.
Hope this helps :)
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Before you start writing, make sure you clearly understand your topic. Carefully read BOA's requirements and wish to have an accurate view. Spend Elon Musk Money