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a year ago
Admissions Advice

GPA Advice

Hey, I have a 3.3 GPA and I am a first-semester freshman. I was looking at different schools and it seems I have a super low GPA. Keep in mind I come from a tough private school where most students get B's. Do you think it's too late or what I should do?

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3.3 GPA UW

3.9 W (I take all honors since are school does not offer any AP courses to freshmen)

PSAT 1310

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5 answers

a year ago

3.3 is not a low gpa. also, since you are a first-semester freshman, you have plenty of time. You should focus on your EC's and try and balance them out.

a year ago[edited]

you have a "super low" gpa bc ur comparing urself to people in junior and senior year who've taken harder weighted classes and had more opportunities to venture and increase it

i think your fine and on track. just keep going and strive for A's. now is the best time to start joining clubs too.

also nice psat score.

when it comes to gpa, you have to consider time too. think of it like car insurance or a credit score. the more time you have it and the more experience you have with it, you get lower insurance and higher credit score. your gpa will rise!! don't expect a 4.5 gpa automatically lol

a year ago

My advice for you is to continue doing your best. Also, I think colleges will see the level of difficulty of your school. So try to take A’s on your honors and focuses on improve your SAT’s score.

But remember, your grades aren’t everything. Try to do extracurriculars that will make you stand out, but do things that you’re really passionate about it.

a year ago

Hello! The best advice I can give you is to keep studying, get better GPAs, and college DO consider which High school you came from, for example, your 4.0 GPA may worth more than say, from random high school in rural area.

Do not give up, your PSAT is at OUTSTANDING level, and you can probably also get into the National Merit program, your ECs will help. Your SAT will be important too.

And congrats on really high PSAT, also your only freshman, you can still get a high GPA.

Good luck!

a year ago

Just keep those grades up for later. Not much you can do about changing them now. Don't lose hope after 1 of 8 high school semesters, and getting into a T20 shouldn't be your life's goal; even a state university will offer education in the same stuff as a T20, just with less connections and self-reinforced prestige.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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