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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Is Ivy League Possible?

I’m currently a junior in high school, and I sit at a 3.9 GPA. I’m in 3 music programs, 4 AP classes, an art class, a language class, and part of 7 school clubs (leadership in 3). I’m on target to have 13 APs done by graduation, along with 5 honors.

I thought I was on track to get into any college I wanted, but that’s not the case. I also just live in some small town in middle of nowhere. People at my school aren’t studying to go to Ivy League, and I wonder if that’s getting to me.

Collegevine only predicts I have a 15% chance at Princeton, and while that could move up to around 20-25% with the SAT and maybe ACT, I only got a 1250 on the PSAT. And I don’t know how much higher I could realistically get that score. Aside from that, the Princeton applications website is full of recommendations that it’s too late for me to even think about meeting.

I understand safety schools and thankfully have plenty of options, though I will be very reliant on financial aid (part of the appeal of Princeton). Sweet Briar College (all girls!) has a very strong appeal to me. I like having an ‘easier option’ since I am on the Autism spectrum and working this hard truly takes a toll on me physically and mentally. I’m worried I’ll run out of steam before even reaching college—much less Ivy League.

Overall, there’s a part of me that knows I should probably part with the Ivy League fantasy. But I just want to prove myself so badly, yknow? What do you think? Is Ivy League even possible for me? Or would I be wasting a pretty penny ($75ea) by applying.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

You can apply for test optional for your SAT and ACT, maybe you should also put your class rank if you have one, top 10%+ should look extra good.

Also, I know college application is a lot (I am alone on track to paying $2,000 on college application because I have so much schools I want to apply to, but I am narrowing it down.), but having a mix of reach, target, and safety would be a good idea, generally, most people apply to I think about 6 - 8 schools. But you definitely should apply to Ivy, just like @Swayam_Jain123 said, write a good essay, it will help you a lot.

a year ago

I think you have a shot especially with your stats right now and what you have, if you are able to write a great essay you make yourself a good applicant. It def does not hurt to apply to it since it can be a reach school. If you know that you won't be able to go due to financial reasons I would not apply.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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