4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Is it possible to transfer out of a CC in only 1 year?

In high school, I took a lot of AP classes, and because of this, I have enough AP credits to be able to transfer as a junior for the fall of 2024, even though I've only been at my CC for the fall of 2023. I have completed all the required classes for both Cal Poly SLO and UCSB, but only one of the recommended classes was completed. How much will this affect me? Side note: I’m a chemistry major with a 3.75 GPA

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@violatemate4 months ago

@drift hunters It is possible to transfer from community college in one year.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 months ago

I believe as long as you complete the core classes and required ones your okay, my friend had this similar situation and I live in Colorado and he was able to transfer and get credits.

4 months ago

The number of credits/completed requirements you will have at the college you attend determines how soon you can graduate. If you have about 60 credits and all gen eds completed, you're an upper division student and should expect to graduate in two years no matter how long you've already been in college. Some students come to my college with 60 credits/an AA they got while in high school. So unless you plan to stay in college for longer than needed to obtain 120 credits, you should be efficient and try to graduate as soon as you can. If you want two years at one of these schools, you should apply to transfer for Fall 2024.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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