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a year ago
Admissions Advice

What are some amazing extracurriculars that will “help” me get into an Ivy League school? (Princeton, Upenn, Yale, etc.)

I’m a ninth grader that just finished my first semester of HS. I have a gpa of 3.7 (I had a 3.5 gpa because of classes that I took in MS that I didn’t understand the gravity of) but I plan to get it up in the next 6 semesters before early action applications for my term start. I want to major in General Biology. Any tips on how to increase my chances of getting into top 20 school would be appreciated!

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@Jael_S238a year ago

Also, here is a webinar I received a link for that you may want to sign up for!

@Jael_S238a year ago

@Jael_S238a year ago

Copy the full thing into your internet browser and you should be able to sign up!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

ECs should be things you are passionate about. Colleges can sense when you have demonstrated deep interest in something and they appreciate it. And remember, quality over quantity!

Continue taking advanced courses and working on raising the GPA. If you aren't applying test-optional, study well; even 20 minutes every day raised my score by over 200 points in under 2 months. Your essay will also be super important but you don't need to begin working on that until a couple months before your application. When you do, I wrote an article about essays you may find helpful:

Do your best in school and get help when you need it!

Hope this helps :) Happy Highschooling!

a year ago

Sports are always a good path as they show you as well rounded (especially if you’re planning for a science major) and there’s usually a broad range of them. If you do choose one or more make sure to stick to at least one of them all four years and try to get to varsity and if possible get some awards. Also specifically for your intended major try to see if there’s an internships or projects that you can do that are connected to it.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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