Next year (as a junior), I’m taking:
AP Chem
H. Spanish 4
Band (Counts as an Honors credit since I’m in the highest ranked school band)
AP Calc BC
AP Bio
AP Gov
AP Physics
AP Lang
The problem is: I need to take either AP Bio or Physics online, in 12 weeks. Which one of those is easy to do in a short amount of time? For reference, I have a job (I work about 7 hours a week). I could probably put in somewhere from 7-15 hours a week into the AP Class I’m taking online.
Should I take Physics or Bio online?
Hello! I would recommend doing AP Bio next year, as AP Physics, at least in my opinion, would be harder to learn than Bio. Bio mostly involves a lot of reading, but Physics contains quite a lot of math, which could be difficult to do online. Plus, Bio is definitely easier than Physics, which should help. Either way, good luck.
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