4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take Calculus, AP Calculus, or Integrated Math as a senior in high school?

My school is offering calculus, AP calculus, and Integrated Math as options for math subjects to seniors. They are saying that they would recommend Integrated Math to students who will not be pursuing engineering, or math-related fields. I am most probably going to be pursuing something like psychology, sociology, linguistics, or the alike. I am thinking of taking the Integrated Math course as it will be easier. I will be taking APs in other subjects. What would you recommend for me? Just wanting some opinions/advise...


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3 answers

4 years ago

I would rank the difficulty from easies to hardest as integrated math, calculus, and ap calculus. Depending on the schools you are applying to, you may want to take a more difficult or easier math class. If you want a lighter senior year while still having a challenging schedule, I would take calculus, especially since your ap calculus credit may only get you out of an introductory prerequisite course in college (you might end up in a harder math class since your major doesn't have much math). However, if you want to go for ap calculus then go for it! I would honestly advise against integrated math unless you struggle with math and want to put the majority of your time into other subjects. Good luck!

4 years ago

I would recommend taking Integrate Math. As a senior your transcripts won't be sent until mid-year. Plus, one class is not going to make that much of a difference in college admissions especially if you are already involved in other AP courses and you are afraid of getting a lower score in AP Calc. The only reason I would take AP Calculus is if you are looking for possible college credit or really want to challenge yourself. Again, this is just an opinion! If you feel confident in your calculus skills and your ability to take multiple AP scores, then go for it, but otherwise, there is no need to add more stress to your senior year. Good luck!

4 years ago[edited]


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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