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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Will failing honors courses affect my chance of getting into a good university?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

@Lex24, my advice for your situation is to just do your very best. No one (including yourself) can expect any more than that. It's ok if you don't get all A's as long as you truly try your best. If there are specific areas you find difficult, getting help from a peer or tutor or online is a good idea. Notice where you are struggling and take action early.

It is important to have grace for yourself. Even if others are pressuring you, remember: grades aren't everything. You are so much more than a student! I am sure it hurts feeling like you have disappointed your parents but don't let guilt/shame rule in your heart. You are special no matter what and your sensitivity to their pressure shows that you DO care about your career, if that encourages you to know :)

I wrote a post a while back for weary students feeling pressured:

I hope this helps you feel a little better :) Please know I'm here if you need any help or encouragement!

a year ago

Unfortunately, yes. Failing any course does not look good on your applications. It's better than failing standard courses, but it is still failing nonetheless. Work on improving your grades. Also, take into consideration what you mean my "good university." If you are concerned about failing an honors class, Ivy Leagues are likely out of reach. But- there are over 5,000 universities in the US alone! Failing one or two classes will not prevent you from ultimately finding a college that suits you.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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