4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurricular on common app during senior year

I'm a rising senior and one of my main activities is tutoring kids at a local middle school. But due to covid I can't really do this right now. So my question is should I still list that I did this activity senior year even if I haven't been able to do it by the time applications are due? I plan on tutoring again as soon as I can, once social distancing stops and covid is not as bad. But I don't know how long this will be.


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3 answers

4 years ago

I am going to go against the grain here and say you should not include it for your senior year, especially if you haven't been able to do it by the time applications are due. I think @DebaterMAX made a good point about utilizing the COVID section of your application to explain in more detail any ECs you missed out on. While I don't think it will really make a difference either way on your application, it's probably better to err on the side of caution. I highly doubt you would lose an acceptance because a school found out you didn't actually tutor senior year but it's 2020, crazier things have happened, and to me it isn't worth risking. Mark it for Freshman through Junior years and explain why it wasn't possible during senior year.

Is there any chance virtual tutoring is a possibility? If you did group tutoring sessions I understand how the logistics might make doing that virtually a difficult task. If you tutor 1-1 I would try pretty hard to keep things going. I'm not sure what the schools are doing near you but if they aren't being held in person I can imagine there will be more students who have difficulty understanding the material and who will need extra support. You might be able to tutor more these next few months than in the past honestly if you can figure out a way to do it. And if you can figure out a way, that's definitely the best case scenario.

4 years ago

Yes, because your intention and history show commitment to the organization for previous years as well as senior year. Not having the ability to currently do the activity is out of your hands, but if your looking for more reassurance I would reach out to your volunteer coordinator(the person in charge of tutoring) or your school guidance counselor. If this is something you have coordinated than maybe trying to host virtual tutoring sessions, even if no one is able to do it, attempting to still reach out in your community bolsters your commitment and passion.

4 years ago

Definitely add it to your activities list and include it for your senior year if you are planning on doing it then as well. Colleges understand limitations with extracurriculars and uncertainty so you're all good!

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