4 months ago
Admissions Advice

I did all my extracurriculars for medicine and biology but now I'm being inclined towards law and social science realted

I am in my senior year and about to finish hs but I'm thinking of not pursuing medicine. What do I do cause all my activities are like this:

Researcher at Health2gether

John Hopkins Global Health Leaders Conference

Youth medical association

Internation youth of neurosciences


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1 answer

3 months ago[edited]

Hey! I know this was my boat!

If this is what's happening to you, then use your extracurriculars as a "example of leadership and initiative," maybe saying in your essay that you have done these activities as a way to pursue interests. Another thing you could do is say you did these to understand how to learn how to help the world in another angle. Like, how can I help doctors as a lawyer if I don't understand what they are doing, that kind of thing.

Also, it's ALRIGHT, though not ultimately ideal, to have your extracurriculars not match up exactly with what you want to do with your future. If you can explain it well enough, colleges understand that students have a difficult time deciding on careers, and if you explain it, you should be good. Also, plenty of kids have ec's that don't match up with what they want to do, but as long as felt passionate about what they were doing and expressed it, it was okay. You could have done band and still be set. Colleges want to see COMMITMENT, so it doesn't have to match up with your prospective major. Don't change who you are for colleges, because oftentimes, they can tell.

Good luck with college apps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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