7 months ago
Admissions Advice

EC help? Which ones should get the ax?

Hey all! I need some help with formulating my ECs. I know that people stress quality over quantity so I want to cut down on some of my current ECs. I plan on applying to T20s for med or business. Let me know on what you think I should do with my current EC list. My grades are all As, valedictorian. Currently sophomore but doing community college as well (leaving some details out so I dont get doxxed)

(did 191 volunteer hours so far. Planning to have 500 by senior year)

- Founder of non profit organization about rabies: founded an international rabies awareness organization across multiple continents and various countries. I speak to schools in person and also over zoom. Spoke to 200+ students so far. Raised and donated 30,000+ to research organizations and vaccination efforts. Partnering up with the Pediatric Association of India. Maybe TEDx talk soon? Working on 501(3)(c) status with IRS

- Taekwondo: Doing TKD for 10+ years. Won states all-division all-age twice in free sparring. Received my black belt in 2019. Started teaching in 2021. Since then I taught 100+ students. I judge at state level tournaments regularly.

- Lead curriculum supervisor and teacher at a nonprofit For Financial Literacy and CS: I am the director of curriculum development at non profit, Head of Financial Literacy Department. Teacher for CS department. The non-profit organization helps teach impoverished kids all around the world. So far reached out to 700+ students across 20+ countries internationally.

Co-Founder and CEO of a start up: Started up a business which is developing an application. Currently Looking for seed investments. Hiring employees. Advertised to 1,000+ people so far. Enter beta testing in 2024 fall. Estimated revenue is to be 7+ digits (Can't discuss much as NDA and also dont want to get doxxed.)

Inventor of (still working on the name): Developing a device that captures detailed statistics related to a user's kicking performance and gives feedback. Working on development with my TKD instructor. Pending patent. Still early development stages of the product. Hopefully it will be put out into the market soon.

Lab technician internship: Worked in the histopathology and clinical pathology departments. Did research on Immunohistochemistry Testing. 108 hours volunteering

Hospital Intern (Mainly on management side): Helped manage finances of hospitals and keep track of the pharmacies supply chain/inventory. Helped manage health records. Helped with basic examinations of patients. Helped in the NICU.

Stock market portfolio manager: I help maintain the family portfolio. Under my supervision seeing a 50-60% increase on returns. (growing at an almost 3x faster rate than the current market)

Saxophonist: Been playing alto sax for the past 8 years. Lead chair for the woodwind sector in school. Played many gigs for both school and out of school. Part of Contemporary Band and Rock Band. Help teach other saxophonists. I give music lessons in general for a hobby.

President of the Red Cross Chapter: 15+ volunteers under my supervision. Organized blood drives and other fundraisers. Helped train 20+ students in First Aid/CPR. I am a certified Lifeguard, and trained in First Aid/CPR. Plan on getting my CNA and EMS certification soon.

FTC robotics: Reached international levels in previous years. Head of design and build team. Experienced in CAD, assemblies, and additive manufacturing. Nominated and semi-finalist for the Dean's Award, which is the highest individual award at FIRST.

Please help me by suggesting what I should do/drop.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
7 months ago

I cannot specfically recommend what to keep/drop b/c I don't know enough about you as a complete stranger. Instead, I'll give some advice on choosing:

1. What are you most passionate about? Your ECs are the one area, besides the essay, where your passion comes to life. Think about the career/major you are interested in and continue to do things that show demonstrated interest in that area. Shows early commitment and passion. This is appealing to colleges.

2. Do what you love! Pick the things you enjoy most. Is there something that is draining you instead of invigorating your passion? All these ECs look great but what do YOU actually enjoy? Maybe there's something you've done for years you're ready to move on from. Maybe there's something new that isn't working out. Pick the ones that you are truly passionate about and let go of the 1/2-hearted ones.

3. Spread it out. Perhaps it would be wise to put a few things on hold for a little bit. You could pick it up again in a couple years or in summers. You don't have to completely let go of anything but reducing your plate will help you balance your life a little more so you are happiest, healthiest, and most engaged in the things you choose to keep! As a sophmore, you still have several years to be involved in things so please don't feel pressured to fit them all in rn.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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