3 months ago
Admissions Advice

I need help with my future Sophomore schedule

Hello! I am currently a freshman taking these classes

Foundation of AI

Accel Geometry gifted

AP Human

9th grade gifted language arts

Biology gifted


Spanish 1

Gifted is the same as the honor level. Also, I am currently not planning on taking honor or Ap Spanish just yet because Spanish is pretty hard currently in my opinion.

This is my future class schedule for Sophomore

AP Psychology

AP Precalc

AP Seminar

AP World History

AP Environmental Science

Spanish 2

Foundation of AI (next level)

I am questioning if there are any resources that would give me an early advantage in all of these classes, I would love to study early for ALL of these classes in the summer. I am going to be using the resources given by the community so I can study in the summer which I can use to transition myself to these classes smoothly in the future.

Please also give me advice for these classes and my schedule too

Thank you very much for your input! :)


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 months ago

Hey there @_KC_!

I'm currently a sophomore, so I thought I'd give you my two cents. Firstly, I'm not sure if you've taken algebra II yet, but I would recommend doing so before taking precalc. While many of the skills in precalc are completely new, math tends to build on itself a lot and algebra II is a precalc prerequisite in many schools. Secondly, as @raecunningham26 said, taking chemistry will probably serve you better at this point than taking APES. Top colleges usually want to see one year of bio, chem, and physics, plus a higher-level science course, so once you get those three done you can take APES or another AP science. I would definitely recommend taking AP World. I'm taking it right now and I find that class to be fairly easy (although this is highly dependent on the teacher I think). However, at my school AP Physchology is considered a history class, so it seems like you would be doubling up on history for the upcoming year. I think this would be fine, but you're planning for a ton of APs after only taking one this year, and the transition might be a little difficult.

My school requires students to get teacher recommendations before signing up for classes, so check in with your teachers!

Also, don't be afraid to take a few honors (or even standard) classes instead of APs-- if you take five APs for the next three years, you will become hugely overwhelmed.

Good luck!

3 months ago

I would recommend taking chemistry. Then eventually taking AP chemistry. depending on what career field you want to go into this will be very useful. If you plan on doing anything medical related in college it is required to take at least chemistry 1. Based on the classes you are currently and plan on taking i believe you could handle AP chemistry maybe your junior year. I wouldn't recommend going immediately into AP chemistry however if you feel like that would be better then i say go for it! But also don't over stress yourself with too many very high academics because you do not want to be burnt out.

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