5 months ago
Admissions Advice

AP Lit and AP Chem

I am a sophomore, and for junior year I plan on taking AP lit and AP Chem and other APS. However, I heard that these two APS are really hard. So I am wondering if I should take both of them?? Pls let me know!!


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
5 months ago

I'm currently a Junior and I haven't taken any APS at all. I've taken Honors classes and when deciding to take certain Honors, I heard that some of them might be too difficult. My personal opinion is to take the challenge. If you believe in yourself, you like the challenge, and you can devote 2-3 hours of study time per day then I say go for it. I love taking a rise to the challenge. It shows what I know and how I can take it and use it. You don't want to look back at your transcript junior and senior year saying "could,ve, should've, would've."

5 months ago

I'm a sophomore taking AP Chem. If you are good at your school's standard chemistry class and considering a stem field in college, AP Chem is a great option. It moves considerably faster than normal chemistry, but if you succeed in normal chemistry, AP won't be a huge hurdle. I can't say anything about AP Lit, so I would look at other answers for info on that.

5 months ago

Hi! I'm.a current junior who is taking AP Lit and have lots of friends who have taken or are taking AP Chem. My school is considered super competitive so not to scare you, but they also have reputations at my school. I would say it absoulty depends on your skill set, intrests, and rest of schedule (how much time you can commit to them). I'm doing very well in AP Lit but writing and reading have always come very naturally to me, and I take the time to do all of the work. AP Chem is apparently a lot of math and still conceptual ideas, so based on your performance in previous math and chemistry classes, you could determine how feasible it is for you. But I'm sure you can do anything you put your mind to!! :)

5 months ago

Personally, it depends on who is teaching it and how rigorous it is at your school. If you have a good teacher, can put in the work, and are on par with the level of rigor the class requires, go for it! A bad teacher can be especially crushing for a difficult AP.

Good luck!

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