Hello, I’m a 9th grader and was wondering if I could put this on college application in the future. For reference, the group had around 400-500k members in its prime making around 50 mil robux(which I never received). As well, I was wondering if this would count as a 1b or 1a
This is a repost due to no answers to my question.
it's worth it to put on applications. Especially if you have spent a lot of time on it, I would also make sure to put the hours/years you have spent on the Roblox group in the application. Also name drop the group on your application so they can search it up, if they want. (make sure the group doesn't have anything inappropriate or illegal if you want that would upset the colleges)
Hmm...great job by the way! That's a nice accomplishment!
However, I am not sure if it will be an extraordinary experience. Unless your group was recognized nationally or globally, it won't fall in tier 1! However, this is a great way to give colleges a glimpse of your interests other than your academics so you can put it on your resume. You could say what you learned from it, your steps to make it, etc.
Good luck!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
I feel like it depends on what the group is about and what you want your major to be in the future. For example, if the group is a Roblox clothing store where you designed all of the clothes and utilized ads from Roblox to advertise your clothes, and you wanted to go to college for digital design or marketing, then you can talk about how these skill helped you grow your Roblox group.