5 months ago
Admissions Advice

How can I fix my gpa?

Hi! So I have recently found out I have a 3.25 unweighted gpa, and I’m in second semester of 10th grade what can I do to bring my gpa up and what type of classes should I take junior year rather than taking mostly AP’s?

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@ms_Lili5 months ago

In my case, I chose the most interesting directions for myself, so I managed to naturally increase my score without much effort

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5 answers

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5 months ago

I would like to be honest with you, there are lots of factors that can determine your GPA outcome. I will compact them into a list.

1. Check if your school gives weighted GPAs, some schools (including mine) Give a GPA boost for AP (1.0 boost), and DE (0.5 boost), But they may not give them to honor, in this case, check with your school counselor.

2. You should still try taking APs, try some easier ones. Some APs 'considered' easier are: AP Human Geo, AP Psy, AP CSP and AP CSA, and APES. I am currently taking AP Human Geo and I agree with this.

3. What @JerseyJeff said is really good, start a study group/club, it can make you new friends, put it in your EC, and improve your studies. There are also more important ones @JerseyJeff pointed out.

4. MOST IMPORTANT, consider what school you are going to, is it top school like the ivies? or t20 school? Then you would have to take AP in your Junior, your Junior year is really important.

5. Unrelated, but your GPA is not the only thing that defines you, your class rank, and EC is also an important part of your college application.

You are doing pretty well, but you can take it to the next level, good luck to you!

5 months ago

You can take dual enrollment classes (DE) with your school or a local community college! I am currently taking 2 DE online classes and I chose ones that will transfer over to my future bachelor's degree. This is not always possible but the community college has direct agreements with the school I intend to attend. DE classes are advanced like AP and honors- they will all raise your GPA.

However, if you intend to attend a top school, taking APs junior year is super important. So please consider what kind of schools you hope to get into.

5 months ago[edited]

First off 3.25 is good. The advice I give my son is to adapt, adjust and overcome. There still is plenty of time to get better. Start a study group, ask the teacher what technique could be helpful and look at the tests/quizzes to get an overall picture. I know asking people to study with might be awkward. You will find kids will take that option because it helps everyone. The key is don’t stress out. Don’t be negative and do your best. I’m sure you’re very intelligent and have a bright future ahead of you. As far as AP classes for next year, someone else would be better to answer. I know being in high school is hard. Much harder now than when I was I kid. Personally I did not do great a few times and I used it as an opportunity to grow.

5 months ago

Hi Ana, I’m Avery, a 3.25 unweighted GPA is very good in my opinion, but if you do want to raise it like you did say, I would suggest taking many honors classes and enrolling in duel-credit college classes if your school provides them. You’ll also just want to pay attention and turn your work in, remember, your junior year is considered to be the most important in your high school career. Keep working hard, hope this helps!

5 months ago[edited]

Idk the best way is to try your hardest to get better grades in the classes you are already in You are only in the second semester so you have plenty of time also another way to boost it is to take advanced classes so that honors ap or even IB I hoped this help and also if you're struggling a lot I recommend touring if your school offers it this is all you can really do. just try to make up as many assignments as you can and I wish you the best of luck to you

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