I'm a sophomore who studies in a CBSE curriculum school. my GPA is 3.7 and I have a fair amount of extracurriculars but my school does not offer any APs or Honors. Will this hurt my chances of getting into universities like UCLA, USC etc.?
Colleges understand that applicants come from diverse educational backgrounds. Focus on showcasing your strengths, dedication, and passion in other aspects of your application. Admissions officers look for students and penalty shooters 2 who have made the most of the opportunities available to them.
I am homeschooled, so my school does not offer AP either :) So I take dual enrollment classes online with the local community college. I have also specifically chosen classes that will transfer into my bachelor's so it is a double win.
Lmk if you have any questions about DE classes.
APs/honors classes are always good to have, but colleges also consider this during the admissions process:) If it's possible I'd recommend taking dual enrollment courses that are usually offered at local community colleges
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