4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Is early college worth it?

I am currently a 9th grader enrolled in a public high school. I am possibly looking to attend Bard Academy at Simon's Rock next year for 10th grade and then join their early college program. If I decide to go down this path when most of my peers are graduating with their high school diplomas, I will graduate with my high school diploma and associate's degree. It's a fantastic idea on paper, but I'm unsure how it will help me during college admissions. I plan on getting my degree in history and possibly getting my Ph.D. and becoming a professor or using my history degree to go into law. My top schools are the University of Chicago, Stanford University, William and Mary, and the University of Virginia. I understand that as it stands right now, my chances of getting in are in the lower percentiles. I plan to build a high GPA and many unique extracurricular activities. Though I am not very good at math due to a math disability, I average around a high C or low B. My SAT score will probably suffer, even though I will score relatively high on the reading and comprehension portion. Based on my predictions of how I will do at the end of high school, I want to know If I will have a better chance at getting into my Top schools with an associate's degree in history under my belt already. I am super open to any advice you guys have. Thank you!


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3 answers

4 months ago

I really don't know if it will improve your chances of getting into top schools. But here are some thoughts to consider:

Early college will require a lot of sacrifice. You will have to put great effort into your school and may end up missing out on some fun stuff. If you're ok with that, then it's fine, but please consider how much it will require of you. Is it worth it? I am taking dual enrollment classes, and they are a lot of work. I think it is worth it, because it is cutting down my time in college. Also, I am homeschooled, so it is not cutting into my social/hobby time. Just think about what is most important to you-- top grades or other things like friendships, doing what you love, etc?

Hope this helps :) I considered early college, too, but then choose to take floral design classes. I decided it was healthier for me to take a break from hard studies and then take some college classes. I will still graduate with a lot of credits under my belt, just not a full associate degree.

4 months ago

While having an associate's degree is impressive, college admissions can be influenced by various factors, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer with geometry dash lite.

4 months ago[edited]

It appears like you are thinking about a unique and bold path in your schooling! Having an associate's degree from college essay help can genuinely set you aside at some point from the university admissions technique. Admissions committees frequently value candidates who have proven educational adulthood and the potential to thrive in university surroundings, and income university credits even as excessive college can show off your readiness for better schooling.

While a math disability may additionally present challenges, admissions committees consider a holistic view of candidates, taking into account different factors past standardized take a look at rankings. Be certain to talk about any hotels or support you've obtained for your disability on your utility, and emphasize your strengths and accomplishments in other areas.

Ultimately, earning a companion's diploma in history can beautify your university software and increase your chances of admission to your pinnacle-desire.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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