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10 months ago
Admissions Advice

What extracurriculars should I do if I’m going to major in marketing!

hi! So I have made the decision of doing marketing as my major in a sophmore right now, and I was wondering what are some things I can do as extracurriculars that are good for me to do! And especially look good on my application! right now I have my own initiative on Instagram called @Teengemstips where I post out tips for highschoolers and give out advice! but I do marketing head for 1 international small non profit, and I do graphic designing for another small non profit! And I also do tutoring once a day for a non profit!

@Iniya9 months ago

Hi! I am also aiming for a marketing major, and am a freshman in high school. Some extracurriculars I do include debate and public speaking, and other forms of teaching such as teaching digital art classes at a non profit. I noticed that you said you were graphic designing for a non profit, and was hoping you could provide some insight as to how you approached the opportunity! I am also super interested in doing something like this during my sophomore year.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
10 months ago

Other than the more obvious ones like volunteering, or something you want to do for fun, you should look into Junior Achievement. It's a program where you run your mini-company with a team for a few months and learn valuable business assets from it. You can often fill executive roles too such as marketing officer or CEO. I'm not sure if it's available, however, it is available where I live, and I do live in a pretty small city so you'd probably be in luck.

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