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11 months ago
Admissions Advice

Should I write about running 100 miles a week in my college essay?

I have run 100 miles every week for almost a year now and was wondering if this would make for a good college essay.

I used to get injured a lot because I was malnourished but once I got that sorted I got better and am stronger than ever.

I have also used this information I have learned to teach my family of nutrition and my siblings and I go on runs after school or in our free time.

Should I mention how my family is plagued with heart diseases and diabetes, and that's why I am trying to help my family be more informed about this?


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
11 months ago

This would be a great prompt for a college essay! Running that many miles a week shows dedication, and you can show how you've grown as a person as you run. You said you went through being malnourished, which could be a topic you explore. @Jael_S238 mentioned how you could connect this to any field you wish to enter, which is great!

If I were in your position, I'd focus on how running has affected you, what you went through mentally and physically every time you ran, and how you changed. Then, I'd tackle the topic of your family going through heart disease and diabetes, and this being your way of combating it. Maybe you could say, if you enter X field, this could help inform others about how running could help others with families that have struggled with this?

Sorry about how unfocused this was, hehe. I hope it helps, even a bit!(:

11 months ago

If this has something to do with the career/major you are pursuing, then go ahead and tell! This would likely be the story of how you got interested in nutrition, healthcare, or whatever your career is.

However, if it is unrelated to your future career/major, it may seem a little irrelevant.

Hope that makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions!

11 months ago

I think this is an amazing prompt!! It is something unique to you that can give a message about something you're passionate about. I think mentioning your family's medical background lightly will add good detail but don't focus too much on it. I would really focus on how running has helped you and how you wanted to spread the message to others. Best of Luck!

11 months ago

Sure! Writing even the smallest experience and explaining what you learned from them can help the college admission officers know better about you, you should write it on your college essay.

11 months ago

I feel like it might look good and make you stick out from other candidates, but not really sure if it is super necessary to mention to a college. Don't really know if that helps:(

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