4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take two APs in sophomore year?

My high school offers multiple AP courses for sophomores. I’m a freshman at the moment and finalizing my course choices- I was thinking of taking AP Seminar as well as AP Biology, but if I take AP Bio I’ll have to drag History for next year. Also some of my sophomore friends were talking about how the AP courses are extremely challenging, so I’m wondering what you guys think. Btw I have a 3.8ish GPA in the middle of third term if that helps.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 months ago

I am currently a junior in high school. I have taken 3 AP classes previously and am currently taking 3 more this year. Taking multiple AP classes is definitely possible if you have the time and effort to put into them. AP Seminar is a great choice for anyone who is interested in taking AP classes, it's a great way to get started taking AP courses in general and looks great on college applications. I would consider your intended major before you decide to take AP biology or not. The work for that class is rigorous, but it is extremely interesting and an excellent course if you're looking to go into a science field. If you're not, perhaps consider another AP or honors course that would better fit what you want to continue studying.

4 months ago

I am pretty sure every high school I have ever heard of offers multiple APs for sophomores, I am not quite sure how the school being "very prestigious" correlates to your question.

Regardless, you should plan to graduate with 7-9 AP Credits. I would say that's about the average for most HS students and will give you a fair shot at most colleges as far as "academic rigor" goes.

I believe I took 1 AP in my first year, 2 in my second year, and 3 in both my senior and junior year.

So just plan accordingly with how you want to schedule the rest of your HS curriculum. I would 100% recommend taking an AP sophomore year though, to ensure you are not overwhelmed in your junior and senior year. Best of luck.

4 months ago

Hello! I am a junior right now and I have a lot of experience in AP courses. Ap Seminar is an amazing start to an AP journey. It is hard but I have heard many people say they didn't regret taking it in sophomore year. If you want to start the path of taking AP courses then that is an amazing start. As for AP Biology, I don't recommend taking that at the beginning of starting AP's. It is a very hard course and I have heard many people saying they regret taking the class. I think AP Bio would be a big risk especially if you don't want to risk lowering your GPA due to AP classes. This is based on what I have heard and my experience, but I wish you all the best and hope your choice is right for you! :)

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