So my brother messed up ROYALLY he's in elementary school and he basically got suspended. He is in the 6th grade so still pretty young but I wanna know if that suspension will carry into high school and into the whole college application process. He's a smart kid who loves stem stuff and all that other nerdy nonsense and I would hate for his chances to be ruined over an elementary school mess up.
It's understandable to be concerned about your brother's future, especially if he's passionate about STEM and other academic pursuits. However, it's important to note that a suspension in elementary school is not likely to have a direct impact on his high school or college applications, especially if it's his only disciplinary issue.
Most colleges and universities focus primarily on a student's performance in high school, including their grades, extracurricular activities, standardized test scores, and personal achievements. Elementary school disciplinary records typically don't factor into this process.
Hope this helps!
I totally agree with @KatelynG.
The colleges really won't see anything about elementary history. All they get to see is the high school records.
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