Hi everyone!
I have the opportunity next year to either take another AP class (AP Human Geo) or intern somewhere. They would give the same QPA boost. I want to get into a top university. What’s your guys advice!!
yes! It would either be a design internship, or something in the realms of psychology. I will have taken 9 AP classes, and 22 honors/advanced classes
Based on what you shared with me, I think the internship would be a wonderful opportunity! Colleges really want to see you explore your passion early on and demonstrating it through an internship is a great way to further your application. Also, taking an internship in something you enjoy will help you keep a healthy balance and provide clarity on what you want to pursue after high school.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
How many APs have you taken/will have taken by the end of high school (assuming you take the internship)? Also, is the internship related to your passion/major of interest?