a month ago
Admissions Advice

Cancelling ap exam

Hi, I want to cancel one of my Ap exam so I’ve contacted my Ap coordinator but she said it is too late to cancel it as the date has expired. But when I look up in google, there’s one statement saying:

“In-person workshops: Registrants who cancel at least 21 days prior to the event receive a full refund. Those who cancel less than 21 days prior to the event receive a refund less $50.

Online workshops: Registrants who cancel at least 14 days prior to the event receive a full refund. Those who cancel less than 14 days prior to the event receive a refund less $30.”

Then doesn’t this mean I still have time to cancel my exam? Or am I misunderstanding the context? Pls help me, this is stressing me so much…


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1 answer

a month ago

Unfortunately, the way this system is set up is- weird I guess. The cancellation date varies by district and school. In my school, if we canceled at ANY time after we signed up, we weren’t refunded, and those who got to take the exam for free were charged.

You’re not misunderstanding what google’s telling you, it just can’t take into account your school’s rules of sorts for this.

Maybe try to ask your advisor why you can’t cancel and work it out from there. If nothing can be done, I’d recommend just taking the exam if you can.

Good luck, I wish you all the best :)

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