21 days ago
Admissions Advice

Graduating Early + Higher Level Classes

I wanted to know if my course history / pathway and one-year-early graduation will look good for colleges. For some more info, my school only offers six class periods a day. My school isn't an academic magnet as well.

My freshman year, I took four AP's (AP Calc AB, AP HuG, AP Lang, AP Phys. C Mechanics) + 2 general classes (Phys. Ed. and Student Leadership) and I was the only freshman to do so. All other freshmen took only one AP class at most. I got all A's as well so my GPA was a 5.33 since they do a 6.0 for AP classes.

My sophomore year (currently), I take AP Lit, IB Chem SL, AP World, AP Calc AB/BC, AP Psych and Student Leadership. I also have all A's so my GPA now is a 5.50.

Next year, I plan on reclassing to graduate early so I will be considered a senior. My selected classes are IB English 1, APUSH, AP Gov., IB Physics HL, and AP Bio. I will also be taking Multivar Calc and Linear Algebra at my local community college since I am currently taking the highest level of math offered at my school.

I wanted to know if I have a chance based on my academic pathway (regardless of my extracurriculars which I do have) to top schools. I plan to apply to the top engineering schools for software engineering or computer science such as MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, etc..

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@Jael_S23820 days ago

Are you planning to take a gap year or apply to/begin college early?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@nicholas010920 days ago

Applying to begin early

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
20 days ago

Hey @nicholas0109, it sounds like you're off on a good track. Keep up the pace and motivation and you'll be sure to get into your dream schools. Also, since you'll graduate early, what have you planned to do for your senior gap year to increase your chances? I'm in a similar situation. Being home schooled, I have already graduated my senior year during the equivalent of a junior year. Maybe we can share some ideas? Have a wonderful day!

12 days ago

I agree with @TX_Surfer. You seem to be on the right track! However, you never know for sure exactly how high your chances are with these top schools. I highly recommend speaking with your high school counselor and get their opinion (though I will warn you that most hs counselors can discourage graduating early.) But do listen to their advice and weigh it carefully. Also, if you know students who got into those schools, it would be great to compare what they did compared to what you are doing. This will help you understand if your courseload is competitive enough or if it would be beneficial to continue to your senior year.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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