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8 months ago
Admissions Advice

How are my Junior list for classes? (And do I need a English class?)


I'm a sophomore and I have already registered for my junior year classes. However, I'm now starting to think if I should include an English class in my schedule. We need to complete three English credits and my initial plan was to skip English in my junior year and complete the credit during senior year. My counselor advised that it would impact my chances of getting into Ivies and UCs. Now, I'm reconsidering my decision. The deadline for making changes to my schedule is next week.

List of Junior Classes,

AP Bio (Double Period)

AP BC Calculus

AP World History

AP Java/Comp Sci A

Honors Chinese 3

AP Chemistry (Single Period)

@iandorrer7 months ago

I also believe taking English would be a major factor in course considerations. If I were you I would drop World History and take English

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Accepted Answer
8 months ago

It depends, what you want to try to do because if you take an english class this year would you have to not take a different class? It also depends on the work load and if you think you can handle it. Additionally, if you do miss the deadline, you could consider taking an english class at a community college to still get 4 years worth of english; this should be done with a bit more consideration as college classes can be really rigorous and your schedule is already pretty rigorous.

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