9 days ago
Admissions Advice

Based on these stats do you think these schools on my college list are too much of a reach?

I’m a high school junior, incoming senior, and I feel like I have not done enough. I go to a complete school as well with rigorous academics so I am constantly around people who sre going above and beyond and I sometimes tend to compare myself to them. I’m a pretty average student, but in my opinion, I think I have some good extracurriculars. down below I have a list of my stats and the my college list, please just let me know if I’m being unrealistic with my college list. the star means that these are postions or classes that i will be taking in senior year

GPA: 3.62 (to be updated but this is my ending junior year gpa)

SAT: 1020

ACT: plan to take in the summer


Advanced Placement

- AP French Language

- AP English Language and Composition

- AP English Literature

- AP Environmental Science (NO EXAM)

- AP United States History (NO EXAM)

- AP Economics (NO EXAM)

- AP Statistics (NO EXAM)

UCONN : 25

- Environmental Science (3)

- United States History to 1877 (3)

- United States History since 1877 (3)

- Principles of Microeconomics (3)

- Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

- English Literature (4)

- Sociology (3)

- Statistics (3)

Three Rivers Community College

- HLTH 2097 Health Elective (3)

- Certified Nursing Aid Program


- NFA Student Advisory Board (2021-Present)

- NAACP Robertsine Duncan Youth Council (2022-Present)

- Vice President 2023-24

- Class of 2025 Senior Year Vice President

- Student Advisory Board President 2024-25

- UCONN LEAD Program

- National Honor Society

- Caribbean Student Association

- President & Founder (2024-2025)

- Haitian Student Club (2021-Present)

- French Club (2021-Present)

- Christian Fellowship (2023-Present)

- NFA Honors Program

- Young Voters Society (2022-Present)

- Debate Team (2022-23)

- ReadyCT Yes Academy Program (2024)

- Project Outreach (2021-Present)

- Student Coordinator

- Pathfinder Club Counselor (2023-Present)

- Shekinah SDA Haitian Church Drum Corps (2019-2020, 2021-Present)

- Alto Saxophonist (2018-2022)

- Indoor Track (2021- Present)

- JV (3 years)

- V (1 year)

- Varsity Outdoor Track (2021- Present)

- JV (2 years)

- V (2 years)

- Seasonal Museum Tour Guide (Summer 2023) (Summer 2024)

- GAP Factory Store Brand/Sales Associate (Late June 2023 - April 2024)

- Hours of Community Service: 387

- 306 hrs NFA LOFT (2021-23)

- 17 hrs Project Outreach (2021-Present)

- 44hrs Pathfinder Club Counselor (2023 - Present)

- 20hrs - NFA Pass Runner

college list: University Of Connecticut (my state school), Southern Connecticut State University (my state school), Howard University, Syracuse University, American University, Hampton University, Penn State University, New York University, Georgetown University, Cornell University, Northeastern University


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3 answers

9 days ago

Honestly? I'm no expert but this is really impressive. I think you'll have good chances, and any school you go to will be benefited by your presence. You seem really well rounded

8 days ago

okay, i think ur profile is great! also, if you actually want to go to these schools, you should one billion percent apply. even if only one says yes, that’s still a yes! i’m sure somebody’s given you a snobby look and been like “oH wElL uR nOt SmArT eNoUgH” like ughhh. definitely make sure you have a safety or two, but besides that, apply your heart out. GOOD LUCKKKK

4 days ago

You do have good ECs that balance out your academics, I believe that your GPA will rise by app time, I know you are taking the ACT in the summer, but Have you considered retaking the SAT? Depending on what you get on the Act it might not matter. But I suggest if it's not up to par if you have time. But honestly, this looks like some good reach, target, and safety schools. (Hampton is definitely a safety school for everybody trust me it's in my state lol) Good luck !

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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