11 days ago
Admissions Advice

Study Tips

Hi, I am in 10th grade and I have finally received my pre-ACT scores, and well I am not too happy about my scores but I was wondering what most of y'all do to get a good score on the ACT.

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2 answers

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7 days ago

Hey :)

I’m also in 10th grade (9th grade I did quite well, but haven’t gotten the pre-ACT scores back from this year :’) ) and here are a couple things I’ve found to help:

I was in geometry last year, and algebra 2 this year. Taking algebra 2 definitely made me feel MUCH more confident in the math portion of the pre-ACT, so if you haven’t taken that yet, it’ll likely help you next year.

In regards to science, analyzing experiments and graphs seems to be primarily what the pre-ACT was. There’s practice questions for these online or you could ask your science teacher to find some ACT-type questions online for you (mine was able to).

Reading, my advice is read more I guess :’) if you’ve taken an honor’s or AP English course that will definitely help you with analyzing the texts given to you. I would try to work on finding key points fast and determining tones. I took a practice PSAT through the college board’s app, Bluebook, and once I finished I was able to view my scores, answers, and explanations for every answer (please use this for math and English & reading it helped).

For English, maybe ask your teacher to provide you with grammar and punctuation worksheets. You could search for these online but I’ve never tried so I’m not sure.

Good luck and I wish you all the best, lmk if you have any more questions!!

5 days ago

Trust me on this. Watch Rishab Jain's act videos! they're realy really helpful, and do the stuff he recommends. Coming from a dude who practiced under a dude who got a perfect score on the SAT, practice is everything.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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