5 months ago
Admissions Advice

What do I do with a bad GPA and good SAT?

I'm a junior in highschool with a 2.4 gpa. I don't have the time or the courseload needed to get it up by much. I got a 1310 on my SAT for my first attempt and plan on taking it two more times and increasing my score. I want to apply to somewhat selective schools but am not sure if it is a good idea given my GPA.

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3 answers

5 months ago

I don't think you would be able to get into highly selective schools with a 2.4. You can always try and see if you get accepted, but be sure to apply to a good variety of reach, target, and safety schools so you have a backup.

Also, think about what kind of college would be the best for you in the long run. Some people barely get into Ivies and end up dropping out because it was so academically demanding and they were unable to keep the GPA necessary for passing or scholarships. Think about where you would succeed/thrive AND what college will best train you for your career goals. I could go to some fairly selective schools but they will not give the type of training I want even though it's the same major.

Another option is starting at a community college for a semester or two. No one loves this idea, but you may be able to transfer into a more selective school if you have proved you can handle college studies.

I hope this helps you see some of the options. Please lmk if you have any more questions.

5 months ago

Good advice from Jael. Generally schools put more weight on GPA and course rigor than test scores. I think your best bet is to start out at your local college, work hard to keep your grades up, and then apply for transfer somewhere more selective if that is your goal. Just do some research ahead of time to find out what classes will be transferable so you don't waste your time on courses that will not count for credit at the next school.

5 months ago

To start off, I don't want to sugarcoat too much. from the limited amount of info I have, not great chances of entering selective schools. An SAT 1310 is good, but selective schools often aim for closer to 1400, more or less. However, what CAN compensate for this stuff is internships, summer programs, and ECs. If you can manage to cram these in then even some Ivies would gladly take you. If you don't get in the first time around, don't feel down, because you can always transfer in or get into your dream school post-undergrad. All you gotta do then is just grind grind grind for a good GPA and you'll be golden.

Ps. sorry if this sounds harsh its just how colleges are gonna see ur resumé. Good luck on your academic journey! I hope you go far o7

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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