14 days ago
Admissions Advice

What more does the chancing simulator want from me for extracurriculars?

This is regarding the "extracurricular" aspect of the chancing simulator. Though my GPA and SAT may not be as good as they can be, I've always thought that I've maintained a good amount of extracurriculars, but apparently not. I am currently a leader (exec) in an engineering club (we won first in nationals in a relatively new competition this year and placed second last year) and an exec of the French club my school offers as well. I also help out in my community by volunteering through a community service club (~15 hours this school year). On top of that, I've been inducted into my school's chapter of a language honors society, and nominated for an honors award at my school. However, the chancing simulator tells me that this is below average for students who get accepted into Emory University. I'll try getting my GPA and SAT up, but I'm at a loss for what to do with extracurriculars. Thanks for reading this!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
12 days ago

The way I understand the chancing is that it takes into consideration the category and your self assessed tier. You can probably verify this by leaving everything else blank and comparing your chancing all other things remaining identical.

When I take my extracurriculars and look at Emory, they are about average:

I have tear 1b x 3, 2a x 1, 2c x 1, 3b x 1, 3c x 1, 4a x 1

So it seems that students at Emory typicall have pretty high levels of extracurriculars. Of course what we dont know if those are "real" data points or if you are compared with profiles that reported an acceptance and based on the assessment given in the collegevine profile. I would tend to think that it is not based on real data points simply because that would require a lot of verification and proper assessment for students that actually study at Emory. As with everything in statistics you need to understand how the data is derived to properly work with it. Chancing is not precise but merely and indication based on how your data (processed and weighted) fares against other data.

There will be many more factors that will lead to a much more granular assessment if your application is actually read and weighted by an admissions officer.

Long story short: Take it a hint that you would probably work on extracurriculars or maintain them. Make sure they are relevant to what you want to do in life and who you are. You dont do them for the chancing simulator but for yourself - I hope :). If your application is telling a comprehensive and coherent story about you then that is probably the best you can and should do.

14 days ago

Those are some very notable accomplishments! Perhaps, it relates to the fact that college applications are growing more competitive, so there is a proportional increase acceptance rate difficulties. Regardless, the calculator here is merely a tool to help you and I am certain its percentages are not definite. What's important is that you keep up with this upward trajectory.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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