12 days ago
Admissions Advice

I have a 3.3. G.P.A in grade 11, and barely any extracurriculars, I want to change that, but I think it's too late.

I'm a Bahamian student who was originally planning to go to by own university (UB) but I realized that all of the subjects I want to study aren't actually available to me. Although they do have linguistics as a minor. (I want to study Art History, Comparative Literature, Classics, Linguistics etc. Not all at once, but I mostly have a focus on Comparative Literature, Art History, and Classics.)

My only extracurricular is golf (I've been playing my whole life, but never went international.) , and I literally just joined my Anchor Club. I've been trying to find summer internships that has anything to do with writing, or museums, but I live in Freeport. We have no museums. We don't even have a local newspaper for some reason?

I want to start my own Classical Literary Club, or Greek Mythology Club, but that'll prove difficult due to how little kids in my school like to read in their free time, let alone read classical books.

I haven't taken my SATs yet. Is it too late to start trying to improve so that I can at least go to a good college?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
12 days ago

It is never too late to try! Don't give up and do what you can.

You shared that UB may not offer all the subjects you want. Consider looking for other universities that may cover what you like OR you can take some community college classes that may cover some topics like Art History, literature, etc. I am taking classes with my community college as an online dual enrollment student and it's been a great way to start college early and raise that GPA (I am homeschooled, cannot take AP without paying like $600).

You may have to think outside the box as far as EC's- are there ways you can pursue writing or work with museums online? A blog, a virtual job, etc. Some people even start online clubs (though I am honestly not sure how they do it).

 I do recommend beginning SAT's as soon as possible so you can take the test many times (unless you know the school you want to attend is and will remain test optional).

No, it is not too late. My biggest piece of advice is to find ways to pursue what you love and are passionate about. That will make you shine- if you go out of your way to find and use available opportunities, that will stick out. Also, I will say that colleges do have understanding when you have limited opportunities. Just be sure to look for routes; try to never assume there is nothing you can do because there are no local options. There is a LOT of resources online! If you simply work to do what you love, the rest will fall into place.

I hope this helps you and please lmk if you have any questions! I enjoy helping peers :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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