Hi, I have a bunch of questions regarding law and career.
I want to study law but I am pretty unsure what degrees/Jobs are the top paying.
I am pretty interested in those jobs that are shown in the criminal documentaries/investigations. I have truth interests in Forensic science, Criminal Justice, International relations, criminology, political science, legal studies/justice, public relations.
I have an interest in being a lawyer, judge/attorney or doing it later in life. I want to be an actress but I also want to be a lawyer, I want to do it as a later career in life.
I want to do this but also have another degree like IT/Computer science, Liberal arts, real estate.
So my questions are as follows:
Do I necessarily need to study real estate or can I just do a course and become a real estate agent? (I want to do real estate as a side hustle)
Can I be enrolled in two universities (Online and physical)?
Can I study two different majors at the same time? Eg IT and Criminology. (dual degree/Double major).
What are the top law majors/degrees and Jobs?
What internships can I do around Arlington Texas that can secure me a good job or give me experience?
Does Howard University allow double majors or degrees?
What top universities allow double majors/degrees? (Do they allow customization?)
What extra curricular can I do that’ll give me experience?
What subjects/courses can I take in high school for exposure?
I also don’t know MUCH about law but I can answer a couple. Dual majors are very possible but it depends on where you go, so you just have to research the specific colleges. For extracurriculars, debate is a good one. Courses: @_KC_ was right with the APs, also take a criminalistics class if offered and some extra English (any dual credit English classes and AP/honors English). My school offers a “Principles of Leadership” class and that may pertain a bit if yours offers something similar. Political science courses and Government may also benefit you.
The legal field has always seemed very interesting to me. It is not just a job, but a way to help people solve important issues. I am attracted to the idea of analysing complex problems, finding logical solutions and upholding justice.
However, I understand that a career in law is a great challenge. You must be strongly motivated because the training is long and intensive. Even more important is to improve constantly. Laws are changing, and it is important for a lawyer to be aware of all the innovations.
I am also interested in how one chooses a specialization. Is it worth focusing on something specific at once, such as corporate or criminal law? Or is it better to try several areas to see what you like best? This is an important point.
Another aspect I am thinking about is how to find my first job. They say that an internship is a great start. But it requires the right approach. You need to know how to craft resume to stand out among others. I think this is the key to success.
This profession is suitable only for those ready to work with complete dedication. But if you find your place in it, it can be a very rewarding business.
Hey @mariam_bello! Since I do not know about Law degrees (My preferred major is business), I can't tell you much, but for subjects and courses, I recommend you take APs, as law major/degree is pretty competitive.
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