2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Which is better AP or dual enrollment?

Hi, I am becoming a freshman in high school. I wanted to know which courses would be better for me to take as far as AP or dual enrollment. I am already taking all the honors classes but I need to take a step up as well. I am aspiring to go into medical and would like to attend either Harvard (which is a reach I know but I'm still hoping) or Yale (another reach). I have a 4.0 GPA as far as right now and I understand the differences in the different classes but need to know which would be better to my GPA and college resume. My high school offers both but are starting to cut down the amount of AP classes available because most students are wanting dual enrollment but most are also going to in-state community colleges. Help is appreciated. Thank you.

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[🎤 AUTHOR]@Lyss2 months ago

Also is it okay if you just take dual enrollment classes or do you have to have some AP?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

It depends on your goals. I did not have the option of AP, so I went with DE. Plus, my cc has direct agreement with the university I want to attend, so I can take classes that will transfer into my bachelor's and ultimately save time and money! However, places like Yale and Harvard are used to seeing AP and may be concerned if they do not.

Hope that makes sense and lmk if you have any questions about dual enrollment.

2 months ago

From what I understand many colleges prefer AP exams if coming straight out of high school, and the reason for this is AP exams are the same for everyone or the difficulty is more standardized, where for cc courses difficulty can range and depend on the school. Hope this helps !

2 months ago

From what I know colleges take ap exams into theor consideration a lot of the time. I haven't ever taken dual enrollment I've only ever done ap so I might be biased towards ap, but many colleges do like to see ap scores.

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