Hey everyone! I’m a rising freshman(class of 2028) and I need to pick my classes for high school in a week!! Here are the class options:
English 9
English 10
American Literature
AP Language and Composition
Algebra I
Algebra II
SAT Math Preparation (0.5 credit)
Business Math (0.5 credit)
AP Precalculus (prerequisite—80 or above in Algebra II)
AP Statistics
AP Calculus (prerequisite—Advanced Math & Trig)
AP Chemistry (prerequisites—Algebra II and Chemistry)
Social Studies
World History 2
European History
Economics (0.5 credit)
Comparative Government (0.5 credit)
Psychology (only 11th and 12th graders)
AP US History
AP Psychology (only 11th and 12th graders)
Foreign Language
Arabic 1
Arabic 2
Arabic 3
Arabic 4
Arabic 5
Korean 1
Korean 2
Health and PE (each 0.5 credit)
Senior Health
Fine Arts
Advanced Art
Religious Studies (each 0.5 credit)
Bible 9
Bible 10
Bible 11
Senior Seminar
additional electives are possible
Depend on teacher availability and/or student interest
Please help me out guys!! If you could give me advice just in general as well that would be great thank you all!! :]
I would focus on getting requirements out of the way freshman year, but Fine Arts, Drama, and maybe some studies in literature would help to get into a musical theater college. Assisting or taking part of plays/musicals outside of school hours would also be helpful!
As another person said, get the required credits out of the way first year. However, after that do some research into what credits you would need for the specific schools you are interested in, ie: literature, music theory, drama, etc. Also, make sure you keep your options open, I was set on doing law freshman year, but now I am on track for astronomy and astrophysics, so remember, nothing is set in stone.
And the most important thing is to enjoy yourself; high school will be some of the most fun years in your life, so make sure you get required things out of the way, but don't forget to take classes or extracurriculars that are just fun.
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